
Welcome to Animal In Danger a responsive site dedicated to show malaysia endangered animals.

Orang Utan

Orangutans are the largest tree-living mammal in the world and are highly intelligent. They are found only in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo in Indonesia and Malaysia and have a low reproductive rate, which makes it difficult for their population to recover from declines. The current population of orangutans in the wild is estimated to be 104,700 individuals.



Malayan Tapirs are the largest of the four widely recognized species of tapir, found only in three regions of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia. With a population of around 2,499 individuals, they are considered an "umbrella species", protecting other wildlife such as monkeys, deer, wild cats, and reptiles by indirectly preserving their habitat.


Malayan Tiger

These beautiful creatures that inhabit the southern and central parts of the Malay Peninsula, are vital to keep the population of their prey species in check as an apex predator, which in turn maintains the balance in the ecosystem. From 3,000 tigers in the 1950s, the number of Malayan Tigers left has declined to about 80-120.


Rhinoceros Hornbill

Found only in the forests of peninsular Malaysia and the islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo, having prominent golden-yellow horns, called a casque with black feathers on their wings and body and their tail feathers white, males with orange or red ring around their eyes while the females have a white ring is the state bird for the Malaysian state of Sarawak is vulnerable due to hunting and habitat loss.


Sun Bear

It is the smallest bear, standing at 70 centimeters and is a species found in the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. It is believed that there are less than 1000 of these individuals left in the wild. They dig for invertebrates in the soil, which enhances the forest’s nutrient cycle through the mixing of rich and poor soil, while also dispersing seeds and keeping the termite populations down.


Borneo Pygmy Elephant

This adorable and miniature elephant species are less aggressive than other Asian elephants, with shorter trunks, long tail and larger ears. In Sabah, they are typically found near the Kinabatangan River. Even today, poachers still seek them out for their husks and the demand for palm oil threatens means that their home is still being wiped out.


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